The House Built Upon Sand – Filmed in The Gish Home (J.C. Jessen – 1916)

The House Built Upon Sand – Filmed in The Gish Home (J.C. Jessen – 1916)

Motion Picture News – Vol. 14 No. 26 – December 30, 1916

In and Out of West Coast Studios

By J.C. Jessen (Los Angeles, Dec. 12)
BELIEVING a better characterization of the role taken by Lillian Gish in ” The House Built Upon Sands,” it was arranged this week to have a number of scenes made at the home of the Fine Art actress. A corps of electricians installed artificial lighting system in the Gish home, and the hundred thousand dollar bed-room suite rented for scenes in this production were used there. The antique is owned by General H. G. Otis, owner of the Los Angeles Times, and is known as the Madame Du-Barry suite. It is of French design and was brought to this city by the millionaire publisher.
A House Built Upon Sand
The entire Fine Arts studio is to be remade. Work was begun more than a week ago on the erection of a mammoth enclosed stage, and now Business Manager J. C. Epping gives out the statement that $50,000, are to be spent on improvements. The present enclosed stage will be converted into offices for the scenario department members, directors and heads of departments. A new paint shop, 30 by 50, scene dock 40 by 100 and other improvements are to be made.
A House Built Upon Sand

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