Jam Courtroom to Get Glimpse of Lillian Gish


Jam Courtroom to Get Glimpse of Lillian Gish

Chicago Tribune – Saturday, March 28, 1925 – Page 3

Jam Courtroom to Get Glimpse of Lillian Gish

New York, March 27 – [Special] – In the hop of seeing Lillian Gish on the witness stand in the suit brought by Charles H. Duell to prevent her acting for other companies, admirers of the film star flocked in such numbers to the courtroom in the Woolworth building, that the corridor and the courtroom had to be cleared.

Miss Gish sat unperturbed through all the craning of necks in the back of the room. Her face was white. She showed no signs of nervousness, but it was evident that she did not look forward with pleasure to her appearance on the witness stand.

Lillian Gish and her lawyer Max Steuer – the Duell trial in 1925

The crowd, however, was disappointed in its hope of seeing Miss Gish on the witness stand. Hammond Duell, counsel for his brother, did not call the screen actress. The situation had changed and he said he might not want to question Miss Gish before Tuesday.

J. Boyce Sraith, who was secretary of Inspiration Pictures when Charles H. Duell was president and Miss Gish was one of the stars, remained on the stand for most of the day. He was succeeded by Miss Blanche C. Brigham, secretary to Mr. Duell. After Miss Brigham had identified correspondence between Duell and counsel for Miss Gish, court was adjourned until Monday morning.

Wins Suit

Los Angeles California, April 24 – (AP) – Lillian Gish, screen actress, won the $5,000,000 breach of contract suit brought against her by Charles Duell, producer, today. A jury verdict for the defendant in the trial was returned when the court instructed that such a verdict be given on the grounds that all the issues of the case previously had been adjudicated in the federal court of New York.

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