White Sister – Programme – Tivoli Strand London 1924


White Sister – Programme – Tivoli Strand London 1924

Tivoli Strand London Music Hall
Tivoli Strand London – Facade
  • (CHARLES H. DUELL, President)
  • Based on the Story by MARION CRAWFORD.
White Sister – Programme – Tivoli Strand London 1924 Cast



Monday, May 12th, 1924.

That the public appreciates a really artistic film- provided it is cleverly produced and well acted- whether it ends on a note of conventional felicity or one of tragedy, is being amply and gratifyingly demonstrated at the Tivoli. “The White Sister” has not only proved a triumph for Miss Lillian Gish as an actress, and made the reputation of Ronald Colman as an actor ; it has also proved an outstanding financial success. Indeed, during some weeks the “White Sister” takings have actually topped the redoubtable ” Scaramouche ” records by a narrow margin. 60,000 people have seen ” The White Sister” up to the time of writing ! In the circumstances it is inevitable that we should have decided to continue the run of this film for some time to come.

White Sister – Programme – Tivoli Strand London 1924 cover


In a few days time, Miss Gish will positively arrive in this country on her long-projected, and eagerly-awaited, visit. Her reception will be a remarkable one, for she is (beyond question) infinitely the most popular of the American film stars, with the people of this country. It is the best of good news that she has promised to make several personal appearances at the Tivoli.

At this writing Miss Gish is finishing the production of another big picture in Italy “Romola.” Our courier is over there, waiting for the last few scenes of this film to be completed. Immediately we hear from him that she is ready to leave for London, the fact will be  nnounced through the press.

Tivoli Strand London – Poster Crafted by Hand


It is a somewhat embarrassing tribute to the position of the Tivoli as the only really first-class theatre showing films in London, that all the American entrepreneurs and stars have a habit of announcing that their forthcoming films are to be shown at this house. These announcements are sometimes premature, and should be accepted with a certain amount of caution. We cannot show more than one big film at a time, and consequently we cannot show every important, or allegedly important, picture that dawns on the horizon. We are honestly trying to pick out the very best among the big films for our patrons ; and so far your support has amply justified our judgment. We thank you very much.

White Sister – Programme – Tivoli Strand London 1924 News


The story of “The White Sister ” was taken from the novel of the same name by that American master of English prose, Francis Marion Crawford, and the picture was filmed entirely in Italy and Northern Africa. Since it is an outstanding attraction at the Tivoli, London, it is entirely appropriate that some of its incidents should have been enacted in Tivoli, Italy; and Rome, Naples, Sorrento, and Mount Vesuvius all provided backgrounds for its scenes. The eruption of Vesuvius is an essential feature of the story, and the producer, Henry King, and his camera men and artists spent three weeks in Bosca tre Cossa, a village at the foot of the volcano, waiting for the internal disturbance of the mountain, which should provide the lava and eruption they anticipated.

The Musical Setting for “THE WHITE SISTER” has been specially re-arranged for the Tivoli presentation, and under the direct supervision of JOHN REYNDERS.

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