Genius Shown in “White Sister” (San Bernardino Sun, 1924)


Genius Shown in “White Sister” (San Bernardino Sun, 1924)

  • San Bernardino Sun, Volume 54, Number 102, 10 June 1924
  • Genius Shown in “White Sister” – Now Playing To Large Crowds Here


Those who know motion pictures, have termed “The White Sister” a perfect photoplay. This may be why it has been secured as a feature attraction at the Opera House with two showings daily this week.

The White Sister

Lillian Gish Hailed by Critics as Supreme Interpreter of Character

A motion picture reviewer regrets having wasted adjectives on other film features when he is confronted with such a picture as the Henry King production of “The White Sister,” in which Lillian Gish is now appearing at the Opera House. Here is a motion picture achievement that deserves and demands the use of all the praise it is possible to bestow, for nothing finer has ever reached the screen. It is perhaps the finest dramatic offering ever turned out as a motion picture, and everyone concerned In its making, distribution and presentation is to be complimented most highly. Miss Gish is magnificent. No actress of this generation on stage or screen has carried the flame of sheer genius into her acting as does the frail little star of “The White Sister.” One has to hark back to the thrilling intensity of a Duse and the passionate emotionalism of a Bernhardt for comparison. Nowhere in the long list of screen plays has there ever been so convincing and thrilling a love epic as this romance of a girl and her young soldier lover.

The White Sister

Ronald Colman, who plays opposite Miss Gish, is the “find” of the screen year – a handsome, dashing hero. In filming F. Marion Crawford’s story, Director King took a company to Italy. Studios and laboratories were established, and then began the making of what should prove one of the truly great productions in cinema history. Mr. King has brought to life the characters of Mr. Crawford’s novel and filmed his story in the exact locale in which It was set. Most persons are familiar with the story and many have undoubtedly longed for its presentation on the screen. These and countless others will be deeply grateful for Mr. King’s production. He has held closely to the story, offering many thrills in the way of the actual eruption of Vesuvius, and a flood that sweeps away an Italian town and makes one almost feel that he is to be taken with it, so realistically has it been done.

The White Sister

The settings are exquisite; the photography of the highest quality, and Miss Gish’s supporting cast shows it was chosen with care, for the members all contribute to the general effectiveness of the film. As a matter of fact, “The White Sister” comes near to being “the perfect picture.” To those who are regular movie fans we say “Don’t miss it.” To those who are not regulars, we hold this picture up as a shining example of the accomplishments of the screen, and unhesitatingly recommend that they see it. “The White Sister” is a Henry King production for Inspiration Pictures, Charles H. Duell, Jr., president, and is released through Metro. “The White Sister” will be the attraction at the Opera House twice daily, matinee at 2:30 and one evening show at 8 o’clock until Friday night, inclusive.

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